Andrea Ette Homeopathy

Tissue Salts

The 12 basic tissue salts consist of compounds of inorganic elements – sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine and silicon. According to German physician and biochemist W.H. Schüssler, one of the reasons that lead to the disease is the lack of minerals in the body. The imbalance of minerals does not allow the normal function of the affected tissues. These substances can be contained in the diet to a sufficient extent, but due to a functional blockage, the organism is unable to use them.

These biominerals are homeopathically diluted and used most often in low potencies of D6, except for Calc-f, Ferr-phos and Sil which are used in D12. Schussler’s salts do not supplement minerals, but stimulate their better use from the diet and thus improve cell function.

Homeopathy follows the Law of Similars (“like cures like”). However, tissue salts treat symptoms that appear as a result of a lack of minerals in the body, so they are administered according to the symptoms of the pathology and the biochemical function of the substance in the body.

The most common indications are in cases where there is a clear lack of mineral substances, e.g. breastfeeding, anaemia, growth problems in children, or due to poor metabolism of these substances, e.g. osteoporosis in the elderly, etc. It also brings relief in various acute conditions.

Use and dosage are different for acute (occurs suddenly) and chronic (lasts for years) conditions. In general, for chronic conditions, we give tissue salts for a long time – several weeks to months, in order to see improvement. In acute conditions we administer frequently, initially even every 15 minutes until the symptoms improve. The exact dosage depends on the specific condition, the intensity of the symptoms and the age of the person being treated.

12 basic tissue salts: Calcium fluoratum, Calcium phosphoricum, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kalium muriaticum, Kalium phosphoricum, Kalium sulphuricum, Magnesium phosphoricum, Natrium muriaticum, Natrium phosphoricum, Silicea, Calcium sulphuricum.

No. 1 Calcium fluoratum (calc-f)

Calcium fluoratum affects teeth, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and skin. It strengthens these tissues and improves their elasticity.

Use: loss of elasticity of tissues and blood vessels (varicose veins, haemorrhoids), torn and stretched ligaments and tendons, improvement of tooth enamel strength, decay of teeth and bones, hardening of glands and tissues (fat nodules under the skin), osteoporosis, bone growths, skin ageing (calluses, cracked heels)

No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum (calc-p)

Calcium phosphoricum can be found in all tissues (bones, teeth, cell membranes) and affects the growth and strength of bones, teeth, muscles, and blood purification. It is a tissue salt for cell regeneration during recovery.

Use: bone growing pains, slow or stopped growth in children, treatment of fractures, osteoporosis, rheumatism, arthrosis, tooth decay and teething difficulties in children, muscle fatigue, hematopoietic disorders, heart muscle weakness, anaemia, exhaustion and weakness, improves appetite

It manifests itself mainly in the “waxy” appearance of the face, a tendency to develop dandruff and catarrh of the mucous membranes. Slim to skinny people.

No. 3 Calcium sulfuricum (calc-s)

Calcium sulfuricum is found in the liver, bile and cartilage. It supports the purification of the organism, the activity of the liver and the immune system.

Use: acute and chronic inflammations with a yellow-green discharge (skin diseases with the formation of ulcers and suppuration of the skin that heal poorly, purulent angina and bronchitis), inflammations of the urinary tract, swelling of the lymph nodes, supports liver detoxification

No. 4 Ferrum phosphoricum (ferr-p)

Ferrum phosphoricum is found in the blood and in all cells and is therefore important for hematopoiesis and the immune system. This salt is used in the initial stage of acute and febrile diseases. It helps with iron metabolism disorders.

Use: recovery after muscle exertion, lack of oxygen and fatigue from lack of oxygen, bleeding, severe menstrual pain, easy nosebleeds, low blood pressure, anaemia, headache from iron deficiency, weakened immunity

Aggravated by heat and motion, ameliorated by rest and cold. Red face, fever.

No. 5 Kalium muriaticum (kali-m)

Kalium muriaticum is part of all cells. Acts on muscles and nerves. The potassium contained in this salt is important for the transmission of nerve impulses and the proper functioning of cell membranes.

Use: helps with increased blood clotting and reduces the risk of thrombosis, heart failure, inflammation of organs and mucous membranes with a gray-white color, affects the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, stomach, intestines, conjunctivae, rhinitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, angina, skin rashes , joint problems, water retention in the body, healing of scars, burns and frostbite, helps to remove toxins from the body

No. 6 Kalium phosphoricum (kali-p)

Kalium phosphoricum is found in red blood cells, muscle tissue, nerve and brain tissue. The main remedy for nerves and nervous exhaustion.

Use: fatigue and weakness, states of exhaustion, burnout syndrome, after exhausting flu and for recovery, nerve regeneration, impaired memory, anxiety, nervousness, depression, melancholy, apathy, insomnia, improves memory and concentration (students experiencing stress before exams, hyperactivity in children) , headache, arrests tissue breakdown, blood poisoning

Exertion worsens,  ashy grey discoloration of the skin around the eyes.

No. 7 Kalium sulfuricum (kali-s)

Kalium sulfuricum supports the detoxification of the organism and is an important salt for protein metabolism. It occurs mainly in the skin, mucous membranes, cartilage and nails. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. It supports the activity of the liver and muscles.

Use: chronic inflammations of all kinds (otitis media, angina, inflammations of the eyes, skin, mucous membranes of the intestine and stomach), liver diseases and indigestion, rheumatic pains, poor condition of nails and skin (dandruff, scaling), liver disease

It is given in case of chronic inflammations, which are manifested by yellow-green mucus or discharge.

No. 8 Magnesium phosphoricum (mag-p)

Magnesium phosphoricum is found in nerves, muscles, blood cells, bones, tendons and the thyroid gland. This issue salt is important for muscle and nerve relaxation.

Use: for spasms of all kinds, for painful colic, neuralgia anywhere in the body, for nervous tension, headaches and migraines, acts as a heart tonic, glandular diseases, tetanus, hormonal disorders, insomnia

The only tissue salt that is administered dissolved in hot water.

No. 9 Natrium muriaticum (nat-m)

Natrium muriaticum regulates the organism’s management of water and fluids.

Use: swelling and water retention in the body (swollen face and accumulation of water in the limbs), effect on the digestive system during constipation and diarrhea (balances the amount of water in the intestine), runny nose, dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, weakness, depression, emotional trauma, sadness, headaches, skin problems, chapped lips, increased blood pressure, anaemia, rheumatic problems, cracking joints, dandruff, cold sores

Deficiency is manifested by swelling around the eyes, increased thirst, salty taste, coldness.

No. 10 Natrium phosphoricum (nat-p)

Natrium phosphoricum is an important salt for deacidification of the organism and metabolism. It maintains the pH balance in the body.

Use: problems with overacidification of the body (heartburn, blood acidity), lymph detoxification, breaks down lactic acid in the muscles and thus acts against muscle fatigue, gout, affects kidney and liver function

No. 11 Natrium sulfuricum (nat-s)

Natrium sulfuricum regulates the functions of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, colon and kidneys. It regulates water retention in the body and helps to detoxify the organism.

Use: problems with the liver and bile, gallbladder colic, digestive problems (constipation, morning diarrhea, flatulence), detoxification of the liver and removal of toxins, helps with liver damage after an infectious disease (mononucleosis, jaundice), water retention in the body (edema, water in abdominal cavity), swelling of the brain after an injury, rheumatic problems, inflammation with the formation of yellow-green mucus

No. 12 Silicea (sil)

Silica is part of connective tissue, bones, skin, hair, nails, lymph gland and mucous membranes.

Use: weakness of fibrous tissues (thin skin, brittle nails and hair), restoration of joint cartilage, inflammation with pus formation, malnutrition, arthrosis, coronary artery disease, osteoporosis, problems with intervertebral discs, nerve weakness